Frustrated mid to senior level manager deep in thought, symbolizing the dilemma of including expected salary in a resume. This image represents the challenges discussed in the blog and the importance of finding effective solutions for navigating the job search process

Should a Resume Have Expected Salary or Not? A Guide for Mid to Senior Level Managers

Are you a mid to senior level manager struggling to find a job? As an experienced Senior Copywriter and SEO Expert in the recruitment industry, I understand the challenges you face. One common question that arises when crafting your resume is whether or not to include your expected salary. In this blog, we will dive deep into this topic, providing you with valuable insights and practical solutions to help you navigate this dilemma effectively.


When it comes to including expected salary in a resume, mid to senior level managers often find themselves at a crossroads. Here are the key concerns they face:

1. Balancing Transparency and Negotiation: 

Managers want to be transparent about their salary expectations to avoid wasting time on unsuitable job opportunities. However, they also fear that revealing their expectations upfront may limit their negotiation power.

2. Tailoring for Each Application: 

Crafting customized resumes for multiple job applications is time-consuming. Including expected salary in every resume becomes a daunting task, especially when salary ranges vary across industries and positions.

3. Overpricing or Underpricing Themselves: 

Managers worry about setting the bar too high or too low when stating their expected salary. They fear losing out on opportunities if their expectations are too high or underselling their worth if their expectations are too low.

4. Rejection Based on Salary Expectations: 

Some employers filter out candidates based on their salary expectations, potentially eliminating qualified individuals without considering their overall qualifications and experience.


Now, let’s explore effective solutions to address these concerns and help you make an informed decision about whether to include expected salary in your resume:

1. Tailor Your Approach:

   – Research the Industry: Gain insights into the industry’s standard salary ranges for similar roles. Websites like Glassdoor and can provide valuable salary information.

   – Evaluate Job Descriptions: Pay close attention to job descriptions and requirements. Some postings may explicitly ask for salary expectations, while others may not mention it at all.

   – Prioritize Relevance: If a job posting requests salary expectations, include them. However, if it’s not explicitly mentioned, focus on showcasing your skills, experience, and qualifications instead.

2. Utilize the Cover Letter:

   – Leverage the cover letter to discuss your salary expectations. This approach allows you to provide context and explain how your expectations align with your expertise and the value you bring to the role.

   – Address the Elephant in the Room: If you choose not to include expected salary in your resume, mention in your cover letter that you are open to discussing salary expectations during the interview stage.

3. Conduct Research and Network:

   – Connect with Professionals: Seek advice from industry professionals, mentors, or recruiters who can provide insights into salary expectations.

   – Leverage LinkedIn: Engage with professionals in your desired industry through LinkedIn groups, discussions, and articles to gain a better understanding of current salary trends.

4. Highlight Value and Accomplishments:

   – Focus on Achievements: Emphasize your track record of accomplishments, highlighting the value you bring to potential employers. By demonstrating your worth, you can shift the conversation from salary expectations to the value you offer.

5. Be Open to Negotiation:

   – Keep Negotiation Room: If you choose to include expected salary in your resume, ensure the figure allows for negotiation. Indicate that your expectations are flexible based on the overall compensation package and the opportunity for growth within the organization.

5 Success Stories: How My Recommendations Led to Resume and Salary Triumphs

To further illustrate the effectiveness of the solutions mentioned above, let’s explore five real-life examples:

1. Mark, a mid-level manager, decided not to include expected salary in his resume but addressed it in his cover letter. This approach allowed him to focus on his qualificationsand showcase his relevant experience. During the interview, Mark effectively communicated his value and negotiated a competitive salary based on his expertise.

2. Sarah, a senior-level manager, conducted thorough research on industry salary ranges and job descriptions. She tailored her approach by including her expected salary in her resume for positions that explicitly requested it. For other applications, she highlighted her achievements and emphasized her value, leading to successful interviews and negotiation opportunities.

3. David, a mid-level manager, utilized LinkedIn to network and gather insights from professionals in his industry. Through engaging in discussions and leveraging LinkedIn groups, he gained a better understanding of current salary trends, allowing him to confidently negotiate during the interview process.

4. Lisa, a senior-level manager, chose to focus on showcasing her achievements and the value she brings to potential employers in her resume. By highlighting her track record of success, she positioned herself as a valuable asset to organizations, enabling her to negotiate favorable compensation packages during the interview stage.

5. Alex, a mid-level manager, decided to include a flexible expected salary in his resume. By indicating his willingness to negotiate based on the overall compensation package and growth opportunities, he successfully navigated the interview process, leading to multiple job offers with competitive salary offers.

By implementing these solutions and learning from real-life examples, mid to senior level managers can confidently approach the question of whether to include expected salary in their resumes. Remember, each situation is unique, so it’s important to evaluate your specific circumstances and adapt these strategies accordingly.

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If you’re looking to optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile to stand out in the competitive job market, consider our professional resume writing and LinkedIn optimization services. Learn more about what we offer.

In conclusion, deciding whether to include expected salary in your resume requires careful consideration. By tailoring your approach, utilizing the cover letter, conducting research and networking, highlighting value and accomplishments, and being open to negotiation, you can effectively navigate this challenge and increase your chances of landing your desired job with a favorable compensation package.