A LGBTQ woman with tattoos on her hand, reflecting the internal struggle of including pronouns on a resume, as explored in the blog "Should I Include My Pronouns on a Resume? Breaking Stereotypes and Enhancing Job Search Success."

Should I Include My Pronouns on a Resume? Breaking Stereotypes and Enhancing Job Search Success

In today’s evolving job market, professionals need to adapt to new norms and trends. One such trend gaining momentum is the inclusion of personal pronouns on resumes. While this may seem like a small detail, it carries significant weight and can positively impact your job search. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of including pronouns on your resume, debunk common misconceptions, and provide you with practical tips for implementation. 


Mid to senior-level managers often find themselves facing the challenge of distinguishing themselves in a competitive job market. With recruiters spending mere seconds skimming through resumes, it becomes crucial to make a lasting impression that reflects your values and demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity. However, the question remains: 

Should you include your pronouns on your resume?

Common Misconceptions:
1. “Including pronouns on a resume is unprofessional”: 

This is a common misconception rooted in traditional norms. However, times are changing, and inclusivity is becoming a priority in many workplaces. By including pronouns, you signal your respect for diversity and your commitment to creating an inclusive work environment.

2. “Including pronouns might reveal my gender identity or sexual orientation”: 

While it is true that including pronouns might provide some insight into your identity, it is not necessarily a disclosure of your gender or sexual orientation. In fact, pronouns can be used by individuals of any gender identity or sexual orientation.

3. “Recruiters won’t care about pronouns”: 

Contrary to this belief, many employers and recruiters actively support the inclusion of pronouns. They recognize the significance of respecting an individual’s preferred pronouns and appreciate the effort taken to make the workplace more inclusive.

4. “Including pronouns could be a disadvantage for job seekers”: 

There is a fear that including pronouns may lead to bias or discrimination during the hiring process. However, research suggests that companies actively promoting diversity and inclusion are more likely to value pronoun inclusion positively.

5. “My pronouns are obvious, so there’s no need to include them”: 

While assumptions may be made based on your name or appearance, it’s important to remember that gender identity is not always evident. By including your pronouns, you create a safe space for others and foster a culture of respect and understanding.

Advantages of Including Pronouns:

1. Promotes inclusivity: 

By including your pronouns on your resume, you demonstrate your commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment. This sends a strong message to potential employers about your respect for diverse gender identities.

2. Encourages respectful communication: 

By openly sharing your pronouns, you invite others to do the same. This simple act can foster a culture of respect and understanding, enhancing communication within the workplace.

3. Supports the LGBTQ community: 

By including pronouns, you show solidarity with the LGBTQ community and support the fight against discrimination. This can attract companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion, aligning you with organizations that share your values.

4. Signals awareness and cultural competence: 

In today’s globalized world, where businesses operate on an international scale, cultural competence is highly valued. By including pronouns, you demonstrate an understanding of gender diversity and your ability to navigate diverse cultural contexts.

5. Sets you apart from the competition: 

In a competitive job market, it is crucial to stand out from the crowd. Including pronouns on your resume showcases your willingness to go beyond the conventional and embrace progressive practices. This can leave a lasting impression on recruiters.

Implementation Tips:

1. Placement: 

Include your pronouns discreetly below your name or in the header/footer of your resume. Avoid making it the main focus or overwhelming the rest of your resume content.

2. Formatting: 

Use a clear and legible font that matches the rest of your resume. Keep the font size consistent with the rest of the text to maintain a professional look.

3. Language:

 Use simple and concise language when stating your pronouns. For example, “Preferred pronouns: he/him,” “Pronouns: she/her,” or “I use they/them pronouns.”

4. LinkedIn integration: 

Leverage your LinkedIn profile to showcase your pronouns. This ensures consistency across your professional brand and allows recruiters to access more information about you if they’re interested.

5. Tailor to the job application: 

Consider the context and nature of the job you’re applying for. In some industries or countries, including pronouns may be more common and well-received than in others. Research the company culture and industry norms to determine the best approach for your specific application.

6. Be prepared for questions: 

Including pronouns may spark curiosity or questions during interviews. Take the opportunity to educate and advocate for inclusivity. Be confident in explaining the importance of using correct pronouns and fostering an inclusive workplace.


The decision to include your pronouns on your resume is a personal one, but it can significantly contribute to a more inclusive job market. By debunking misconceptions and understanding the advantages, we have demonstrated that including pronouns not only enhances your job search success but also supports the LGBTQ community.

Remember, as mid to senior-level managers, you have the power to influence change and create more inclusive workplaces. By taking this small but meaningful step, you contribute to breaking down stereotypes, promoting respect, and fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion.

In the evolving landscape of job searching, staying informed and adapting to new norms is crucial. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your values and commitment to inclusivity. Let your pronouns be a bold statement that sets you apart from the competition and attracts organizations that share your vision.

Together, we can create a future where diversity is celebrated, individuals are respected, and professional success is achieved irrespective of gender identity or sexual orientation.